When JavaScript was being designed by Netscape, writing large scale application was not one of its goals, and that shortcoming is usually one of the reasons people complain about JS.
Fortunately, the problem will be solved in the near future – yes, unfortunately not now 🙁
It’s ECMAScript 6, it’s the upcoming standard for JavaScript , the spec is currently being worked on by people from various web browser vendors and other parties interested in it.
So what will it look like when coding in EC 6? The Sencha blog has a very good writing on this topic, the author Ariya Hidayat gives concise code examples for each new language features, such as the new let and const keywords, arrow functions, etc. My favorites are the new syntax for defining classes and modules.
PS, the blog author Ariya Hidayat is a topnotch developer – he wrote esprima.js which is to date, the most commonly used JavaSript parser in JavaScript in the world, and yes, the live html/css js code editor LIVEditor uses it to tokenize and parse JS 🙂